Employment training and schemes

INFACC provides job training, job projects, interest-free loans, subsidies, and technical support to enhance employability and create sustainable employment opportunities. Collaboration with Baithuzzakath Kerala and other voluntary organizations ensures the sustainability of employment projects. INFACC strives to ensure the sustainability of employment projects, producti ality, marketing, feasibility etc. Of NHG ventures. To increase the employabunty and create sustainable employment opportunities, INFACC make collaboration with Baithuzzakath Kerala and other voluntary organizations. So far more than 200 business ventures have been started by neighbourhood group members by the support of grassroot level NGOs and other supporting organizations. Programmes


  • Vocational training for all interested neighbourhood members Financial and Technical assistance to 1000 neighbourhood group members

  • to start employment venture Financial and technical assistance to start 100 group work projects

  • Vocational training in manufacturing-service-trading sectors

  • Vocational training programs at state level, district level and NGO level

  • Promotion Workshop for grassroot level NGO representatives in collaboration with People’s Startup

  • Technical assistance and training programs for employment projects in

  • collaboration with People’s Startup Funds for employment schemes through government schemes

  • Financial support for employment projects through Baithuzzakath Kerala, local Zakat-relief initiatives, CSR funds and other possible mechanisms